- ResNet Feature Release
- Posts
- April Feature Release
April Feature Release

ResNet is an Operations Surveillance & Asset Management Platform specifically designed for oil & gas operators. Our mission is to Unite Field & Office users in one singular platform towards common corporate objectives.
Issue Approvals
Introducing New Issue Approvals System to streamline auditing processes.
This new functionality is designed to help users streamline their approval processes by allowing issues to be approved by their colleagues and superiors before being marked as Done or Complete.
With the new Approvals section added to Issues, users can now specify whether or not a particular issue requires approval. This component is similar to the Assign and Relate sections, and users can select People (and in near-future Forms) as the Objects for approval.
To make the process more flexible, users can select multiple People or Forms for approvals in order specify how the process should be handled. *Custom Forms coming soon*
Multiple Levels of Approval can be defined - making this system extremely simple, flexible, and robust to use.
Once an issue is moved to IN REVIEW, the ResNet Bot posts a message indicating that Approvals are required from specific individuals or forms. Approvers can then hit the Approve or Decline button, and the Bot will comment on the post to memorialize who has approved or declined.
When the Approval Rules have been satisfied, the ResNet Bot again posts that Approval Rules have been satisfied, and the Issue may be moved to Done or Complete.
This feature idea was brought to us our users in Houston, TX, and we’re excited to introduce this new feature to our users! We understand that auditing processes can be time-consuming and/or clunky at times, and we believe that this new functionality will help streamline the process and make it easier for our users to get their work done.
Overall, ResNet's new Issue Approvals feature is a valuable addition to the platform, and one that is sure to make auditing processes more efficient and effective. To learn more about the feature, or to start using it today, visit www.resnet.ai.

Post Pinning
Our new post pinning feature is driven by our mission of “Unite the Field and Office.” With this new functionality, Web and ZMobile users can easily Save and/or Pin Posts to a specific feed or thread, ensuring that other users can immediately understand the most important posts in a given issue or any feed.
To use the Pinning Posts feature, users simply need to click on the additional dialogue controls (...) on any post and select "Pin" to add it to the curated list of pinned posts. These pinned posts can be easily filtered and accessed from both the web and app versions of the platform.
Pinning Posts is an important addition to our platform, as it allows users to quickly identify the most important posts in a given feed or thread. We believe that this feature will help unite the field and office by ensuring that all users have access to the most important information.

Enhanced Speed and Performance: Back End Refactoring
In the last few weeks, we’ve done a lot of technical (~back-end) work to dramatically improve speed and performance. With Refactoring Part 1/2 complete, you should now experience lightning-fast load times (to borderline non-existent) across the platform, enabling you to accomplish more in less time.
Between Dialogue Feed Refactoring, Query Refactoring, and general server upgrades & enhancements, users should notice 2-10x improvement in response and load times.